Aprender Madeira is a project that has been investigating and updating knowledge of the history and cultural heritage of Madeira, making this knowledge available on a multi-content digital platform with universal access. The main objective is to make known to the world, whether in Portuguese or in other widely circulated languages of international culture (English and Spanish), the aspects that distinguished Madeira in the various levels of human creation and that made it a geographical space, physical and human interest for the understanding of Portuguese and international history.
Following in the wake of scholars who researched and wrote about Madeira, namely Fernando Augusto Silva, Carlos Azevedo Menezes and Eduardo C. Pereira, authors of studies on the history of Madeira, whose Elucidário Madeirense and Ilhas de Zargo are reference works , APCA has updated, understood and disseminated, from a contemporary perspective, with scientific rigor and a pedagogical sense, the knowledge that has accumulated about Madeira, directing the contents towards a diversified target audience.
The continuous development of this Learning Madeira content platform - in operation since May 2015 - makes available, universally and free of charge, more than 1,500 profusely illustrated encyclopedic entries with around 2,000 photographs in Portuguese, English and Spanish on various areas of knowledge.
Of this innovative project stands out the fact that it is a dissemination of knowledge that intends to be available to everyone.