December 13, 2024

What is Watt? atEstreito de Câmara de Lobos © Miguel Apolinário
The Civic Center of Estreito de Câmara de Lobos hosted, on December 5th, the exhibition 'What is Watt?', which will run until January 5th, 2025. The moment was attended by the Municipal Mayor of Câmara de Lobos. Wolves, Leonel Silva.
Organized by APCA - Agency for the Promotion of Atlantic Culture, the traveling exhibition, carried out by António Barros, António Dantas, Carlos Valente, Celeste Cerqueira, Evangelina Sirgado de Sousa, Hugo Olim, Pedro Pestana and Silvestre Pestana, began its circulation in January of the present year and has already passed through some municipalities in the Region, such as São Vicente, Porto Santo, Machico, Santana and Santa Cruz, having also passed through national territory, in the city of Porto.
The municipality of Câmara de Lobos is, therefore, the last crossing point of 'What is Watt?' in 2024.
“What is Watt?” is an interdisciplinary artistic project that, since 2001, has brought together a group of artists with the intention of developing diverse works, through multiple uses of existing technological resources. The project refers to the questioning of artistic praxis in contemporary times, which meets emerging technologies and the resulting availability of global participation. In other words, a widespread tendency towards the dematerialization of the work of art is recognized, which corresponds to multiple connections between art, science and technology.
This project has the support of the Portuguese Republic / Culture and the Directorate-General for the Arts.